Charlie Guerrero

Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

Winston Churchill

Charlie Guerrero

Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

Winston Churchill

Building a Safer, Friendlier Way to Bank


Since the very beginning of my career, I’ve taken Agency Management, Business Strategies, and Estate Planning courses.

1968 – Attended St. Mary’s University Obtained securities license for tax credit programs Secured a P&C License

1992 – Received Life Underwriters Training Council Fellow (LUTCF) designation from the National Association of Life Underwriters.


Early in my career, I met a recently married couple who were looking for life insurance. We went through the sign-up process and three weeks later, I called to let them know the policy was issued and in effect. To my surprise, the husband informed me his wife was killed in a car accident driving home for Christmas.

That story has stayed with me all these years because it illustrates so clearly how the unexpected can strike anyone at any time, and our products help answer questions about the security of their future.

Personal & Business Values

My business is particularly important to me, but what is most important in my life are my four children – -three daughters and a son. The past cannot be changed but each day is a new day to make the future a better tomorrow.

My father was a small business owner, too, who taught me his trade. While working with him I often complained and said I couldn’t do things. But he made clear that “can’t wasn’t part of our vocabulary, and that if I put my mind to something, there were no limits to my accomplishments.

Work Years

My Life Insurance career began fifty-two years ago in 1971 at the San Antonio district office of John Hancock. From 1973 to 1976, I worked as an agent and trainer with Robert S. Hemmick CLU Massachusetts Mutual Agency.

I later was recruited as a District Manager for American General from 1976 to 1978 and was re-recruited by MassMutual as a District Manager from 1979 to 1981.

In 1981, I was recruited by an Agency in McAllen, TX to train new insurance agents for the growing region.

In 1983, I opened my own agency, F.P. Concepts, which is still in business today and specializes in agency development, business coverages, and estate planning.

Business Owner Story

A client with a seasonal business was in his off-season preparing for the following year. During this time, he would borrow money from the bank, using the business as collateral, to repair equipment, and not to deplete his savings.

His off-season was in the middle of the 2007 recession, and the bank called in its outstanding notes. Because he was unable to pay back his loans, the bank foreclosed on his operation.

Enter our relationship and the insurance programs we have developed over the years. He had a considerable amount of cash in his contract that under Texas law is protected from lawsuits and creditors.

Because of the services he had with us. he was able to rebuild his business and reclaim his assets.

FP Concepts was there during a period when times were hard, and assets were seized. We were able to provide him with non-taxable dollars to use at his discretion.